What is KLT?
Kinetic Link Training (KLT) is a full body strength training system. It is designed for anyone looking for a functional, holistic whole-body strengthening approach to exercise. The aim with KLT is to achieve a well-balanced body that can move independently in all three dimensions. The KLT concept has been developed and designed by Australian Sports physiotherapists.
What is the purpose of KLT?
- Prevention/correction of Musculoskeletal imbalances
- Maintain and develop optimal musculoskeletal health
- Integrate whole body movements, assimilating functional tasks
- Improved performance in a specific sport or occupation
- Improved sport performance in athletes
- Assisting in recovery from injuries and with rehabilitation
- Retrain movement patterns after injuries
What makes KLT different from conventional gym programs?
Conventional gym programs tend to focus on isolated exercises, targeting one muscle at a time, such as a biceps curl. KLT focuses on functional movements, involving the whole kinetic chain, to better imitate real life activities or sporting activities. Some examples would be reaching up to a cupboard overhead to bring a box down, or in sporting activities such as tennis. This involves both outer- and inner unit muscles (deep stabilising core muscles and force producing muscles).
The KLT workout program makes exercising more challenging, fun and efficient!
What are the targeted outcomes of KLT?
- Strength
- Control
- Efficiency
- Ease of movement
- Flexibility
How does KLT work?
KLT exercises are designed to work according to the body’s myofascial lines, targeting different anatomical sling systems. This involves working multiple muscles at the same time, the same as when you are undertaking Yoga.
Below is a short description of the different slings used and what they target:
- The posterior oblique sling – Consists of the big back muscle Latissimus dorsi and the opposite gluteus maximus, connected through the thoracolumbar fascia. This acts to stabilise the pelvis, SI joints and lumbar spine.
- The anterior oblique sling – Core muscles and inner thigh. These muscles are connected via the adductor/abdominal fascia and provide stability to the pelvis. Its function is to stabilise the body while rotating- used in many rotational movements and multidirectional sports.
- Deep longitudinal sling – Back extensors, thoracolumbar fascia, gluteals, pelvic ligaments, hamstrings and lateral calf. This system provides postural control and stability. It assists with lifting objects from the ground or rising from a bent position.
- Lateral sling – gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, TFL, ipsilateral (same side)adductors and contralateral (opposite side)quadratus lumborum. This connects the hip and the knee and provides stability for single leg loading activities such as walking, running and lunging.
How does the exercise setup work?
The exercises are designed to work in all three dimensions using multiple muscles at the same time. There are twenty-four distinct essential movement patterns divided into four workout series (A-D) with varied levels of difficulty. The number of repetitions depends on your exercise goals and range from 1-6 reps for Max-Force, 6-12 reps for hypertrophy and 12-18 reps for endurance. Each exercise is completed once you’ve finished 4 sets.
Keep an eye out for the upcoming KLT workshops and classes to get started with this great exercise approach!